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“Robin” is a real domestic violence victim who suffered for over 20 years in an abusive marriage.  After finally finding freedom from such a numb and broken life, she was restored; she was resurrected.  Named for her liberation, Resurrecting Robin was founded in 2006 as a high school newspaper’s community service project of adopting a mother and her two sons from the local domestic violence shelter during Christmas.

Within 2 weeks of presenting the project to the school, over 500 volunteers became involved with collecting a multitude of gifts for the family.  The project was a success and many requested the project be recreated the following year.  More women and children were adopted, and thus the trend of increasing the amount of sponsored residents each year began.

Today, Resurrecting Robin is 10 years strong and a non-profit organization providing support for local domestic violence shelters. Resurrecting Robin provides an on-call volunteer base for a variety of service projects, fundraisers, drives, and of course, the annual Christmas Sponsorships.

Our mission is to help restore a dignified life to those beaten down by domestic violence by raising them up with God’s love.  Together, we can help fight domestic violence and restore life with strength for tomorrow.

Resurrecting Robin | Middle Tennessee Domestic Violence Program
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